Архів за: Квітень 2012

New dawn for higher education in Ukraine?

In an unprecedented move earlier this year the Ukrainian prime minister called on academics to review draft laws deciding the future of higher education. Could this mark a dramatic change in how universities are run? In my previous blog, I wrote … Продовження

Опубліковано в категорії: Університет | Залишити коментар

Chicago-based foundation fears diminishing of academic freedom in the Ukraine

John Presta The Board of Directors of the Chicago-based Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation of America passed a resolution on March 19th in support of the National University of Kyiv-Moyhla Academy located in the Ukraine. The foundation has been crticial of the government … Продовження

Опубліковано в категорії: Uncategorized | Залишити коментар